Emily Fu Foundation

An Automated Hearing Assessment System

How to Use
Angel HearTM

Step 1: Establish the Reference Threshold

Before you start to assess your hearing, please ask someone who has normal hearing (NH) to perform the assessment first, once NH listener finishs, please go to 'Edit' and click 'Set the CURRENT testing results as the Reference Thresholds' option. You can use that reference as the initial reference by clicking 'File' >> 'Saving Reference Thresholds: ...' option. Once you set the reference, all your testing results will be compared to this reference thresholds. You can use previous testing results as the reference data by clicking 'File' >> 'Loading Reference Thresholds: ...' option. Step 2. Set the Testing Configuration. Click the 'Open' option in toolbar, type in your lastname and firstname. If you have done testing before, you can load your previous testing results. Make sure you select the correct testing conditions (speaker or headphone), also select which ear you want to test. Step 3. Start the Hearing Assessment. Once you set these parameters, click 'OK' and then Click 'Start' in the Toolbar or Press F2 to start the assessment. If you want the further information, please visit Tigerspeech Technology website (www.tigerspeech.com) for more detailed instructions and latest updates. ;
How to Use:

This video shows a quick way to use Angel Hear to measure hearing threshold using

external speakers. The test takes less than 2 minutes.